Pope's Greeting to WYD Organizers

«The Word of Christ … Is Always Young»

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VATICAN CITY, JULY 2, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Here is a translation of Benedict XVI’s greeting upon receiving in audience today a delegation of the organizers of the next international World Youth Day, which will be held in Madrid in August 2011.

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Dear Brother in the Episcopate,
Distinguished Gentlemen and Ladies,
All Friends,
I am very grateful for the kind words that Cardinal [Antonio María Rouco], archbishop of Madrid, has had the kindness to address to me on behalf of the board of the «Madrid Vivo» Foundation, as well as of all of you, in this journey of preparation of World Youth Day, which will be held in the capital of Spain in August of next year.
There are many young people who have their eyes fixed on that beautiful city, with the joy of being able to meet there in a few months to hear together the Word of Christ, which is always young, and to be able to share the faith that unites us and the desire they have of building a better world, inspired in the values of the Gospel.
I invite you all to continue to collaborate generously in this beautiful initiative, which is not a simple multitudinous meeting, but a privileged occasion for the young people of your country and of the whole world to let themselves be conquered by the love of Christ Jesus, Son of God and of Mary, the faithful friend, the conqueror of sin and death. Whoever trusts in him is never disappointed, but finds the necessary strength to choose the right path in life.
I will remember all of you and your families fervently in prayer, asking God to bless the efforts you are making so that the next World Youth Day will bear copious fruits. May Mary Most Holy accompany you always with a Mother’s love. Thank you very much.
 [Translation by ZENIT]

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