Irish Prelate Launches Vocations Campaign

Says Despite Clergy Problems, We’re Still Open for Business

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TUAM, Ireland, JULY 5, 2010 ( Archbishop Michael Neary of Tuam is promoting religious vocations in his archdiocese with a campaign including a new Web site, posters and prayer cards.

«All of us are deeply conscious of the failures, infidelities and crimes of which some priests are guilty,» the prelate said in a June 28 address in which he launched the campaign.

«Yet in spite of all of that,» he continued, «priests will be found standing shoulder to shoulder with families and individuals who carry their crosses on life’s journey, whether it be death, tragedy, illness or separation.»

«Despite the negative reports of recent times, in launching the vocations material on priesthood, as a people of God we are declaring that we are very much open for business,» the archbishop affirmed.

Announcing the campaign theme, «One Life, One Call, One Response,» he said, «We encourage, pray for and welcome vocations to priesthood.»

«The need for good, committed, prayerful priests is becoming more urgent,» Archbishop Neary said.

Thus, he added, «now is a particularly appropriate time to launch out into the deep, realizing that we cannot do this on our own; the Lord is with us and will provide the catch in terms of vocations.»

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On the Net:

Vocations Web site:

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