The John Paul II Center is being established by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Arecibo, Puerto Rico. It will be a center of prayer and evangelization, serving as a retreat house, a formation center, and offices for the Charismatic Renewal national team.
The president of the commission of Arecibo, Miguel Ángel González, explained that the center is located in a needy area.
«When it is inaugurated, we will make a house by house visit and an inventory of the needs of the brethren and persons who live there, to try to supply their needs,» he said.
«For us John Paul II was a source of inspiration, the way he received us. He was responsible to a great extent for the growth of Charismatic Renewal,» González added.
Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres of Arecibo will celebrate a Mass at the center on May 1, the day of the Polish Pontiff’s beatification.