Pope to Parents: Take the Kids Outdoors

CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, JULY 10, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI is encouraging parents to teach their children to value nature.

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The Pope made this invitation today after praying the midday Angelus with pilgrims gathered at the summer papal residence at Castel Gandolfo.

In his words to the French-speaking faithful, he said, «I would like to recommend that during this time of vacation, you revivify your spirits by contemplating the splendors of Creation.»

«Parents,» he said, «teach your children to see nature, respect and protect it as a magnificent gift that presents to us the grandeur of the Creator!»

Alluding to today’s Gospel, in which Jesus proclaims the parable of the sower, the Holy Father added that with parables, «Jesus used the language of nature to explain to his disciples the mysteries of the Kingdom.»

«May the images he uses become familiar to us,» he said. «Let us remember that the divine reality is hidden in our daily lives like the seed in the soil. May it bear fruit in us! I wish you all a good Sunday!»

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