International Conference on Mission, Church And Theology to Be Held In Rome

Event Will Be Hosted by Pontifical Gregorian University

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ROME, NOV. 27, 2012 ( The eightieth anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Missiology at the Gregorian University (1932-2012) is associated in many ways to the celebrations of 50 years of the Church since the Second Vatican Council. As part of these events and listening to requests emerging from the recent Synod on the topic – New Evangelization, the Faculty of Missiology is going to organize an international study conference focused on the Mission, Church and Theology.

Many experts are called to participate along with great personalities who have excelled in the field of academics in the Church and around the world namely, Archbishop Gianni Colzani, Bishop Emeritus Peter Henrici, S.J., Prof. Harvey Cox and Cardinal Karl Josef Becker, S.J.

In the first session (Wednesday, November 28) special attention will be paid to the genesis and physiognomy of missiology, as well as to the events that led to the foundation of the Faculty of Missiology at the Gregorian by the Society of Jesus.

The second session (Thursday, 29 November) will address the issue of the renewed understanding of the Church’s apostolicity, a theme found in the Second Vatican Council, particularly through the Decree Ad Gentes. Special importance will be given to the concept of New Evangelization: what it means and how it works, from the documents to praxis. His Excellence Bishop Peter Henrici, S.J., former Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Gregorian University and retired bishop of Chur will be the main speaker.

The third session (Friday, 30 November) will involve two moments of special interest. First, the intervention of Prof. Harvey Cox – author of famous works such as The Secular City (1965) and The Future of Faith (2009) – who will present his view on the book Catholic Engagement with World Religions: A Comprehensive Study, in dialogue with its two editors.

The closing event will be a lecture by His Eminence Cardinal Karl Josef Becker, S.J., – Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Theology, former consultant to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith – entitled Theology of Religions: Religions in the order of salvation, questioning the task of theology of religions and its specific objective in Catholic circles.

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For more information:

Segreteria della Facoltà di Missiologia

Pontificia Università Gregoriana

Tel. + 39. 06. 6701.5531 / 5182

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