No Time for Children?

Conference To Present Findings on Declining Fertility Demographics

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On May 15th, the Confederation of Family Organizations in the European Union, COFACE, will present a conference at the European Parliament in Brussels will present a conference on the declining fertility rate in the European continent. The event is based on the organizations new book on the demographics entitles, “Fertility Rates and Population Declines: No Time For Children.”

Also present at the conference will be the European Coordination Office of the One of Us campaign. The campaign sets out to collect signatures from all across Europe in support of legislation that protects life from the moment of conception.

Demographers agree that we are entering a period of steady population decline. These are the questions that the organizers want to deepen with this meeting:

What impact on the labour market?

On children?

On women?

On Reconciling work and family life?

While much of the world worries about increasing population, this book looks the other way. It highlights the dramatic fall in fertility rates in all regions of the world.

Demographers suggest that by 2050 this will lead to a population decline. While environmentally this may be welcomed, there may also be negative impacts on our economies: less workers, an increasing number of elderly, and more unwanted childlessness.

Given that fertility trends are not easy to reverse, the book concludes that more needs to be done to maximize the potential of all children; particularly those who have been at the margins of society.

The book, presented by the authors Prof. Ann Buchanan and Dr. Anna Rotkirch, is the result of rigorous global research, looking for answers also in relation to the ageing population problem of Europe, and the shrinking workforce.

The Conference program is as follows:

16.30 Welcome and opening word by MEP Marian Harkin and MEP Phil Prendergast.

16.10 Welcome and setting the scene by Annemie Drieskens, COFACE President.

16.20 «No time for children” Presentation of the book and main findings by Prof. Ann Buchanan, Director of the Centre for Research into Parenting and Children, University of Oxford, UK and Dr. Anna Rotkirch, Research Director at the Population Research Institute, Väestöliitto, Finland.

16.50 European Commission work on Gender equality and Reconciliation by Daniela Bankier, Head of Unit, DG Justice.

17.15 Women worldwide by Dagmar Schumacher, Director UN WOMEN.

17.30 Discussion.

17.50 Closing and conclusion by Mary Collins, European Women’s Lobby.

18.30 Cocktail reception.

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Elisabetta Pittino

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