Priests for Life Supporting Vote on Abortion Ban in Texas

Youth Interns Aid in Media Outreach

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Three college students interning with the Priests for Life Youth Outreach Department are on the ground in Austin, Texas, as the state legislature prepares to vote today on a bill that would ban abortion after the 20th week of pregnancy.

«We are starting to see chinks in the armor of the abortion industry as more and more laws are passed to protect innocent human life, and Texas is a great example of this» said Bryan Kemper, Youth Outreach Director for Priests for Life. «We stand with Texas as they make advances against ‘big abortion’ and move towards ending the deadly industry.»

Priests for Life and its Youth Outreach, Stand True, have been on the front lines of the battle in Texas both as part of the social media blitz taking place as well as on site.

David Rosa, a spokesman for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and a resident of San Antonio, testified before a Senate committee Monday in Austin to promote the message that men who take part in an abortion often find they regret their lost fatherhood. He told the panel how that regret led to a downward spiral in his life, and how he sought healing to be able to forgive himself. (The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is a project of Priests for Life and Anglicans for Life.)

“We have the votes in this committee, in the Senate and in the House,” said Rosa. “This bill should pass.”

Rosa’s 16-year-old son Daniel also testified in favor of the bill.

Dr. Alveda King, director of African-American Outreach for Priests for Life, has no doubt that her uncle, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., would be in Austin today fighting for the unborn.

“Abortion is the civil rights battle of today,” Dr. King said. “My uncle’s heart would be broken that even as America celebrated its Independence Day last week, the babies are still not free.”

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, said that whether supporters are in Austin or elsewhere, all are asked to join Priests for Life in a special Prayer for Texas, which can be found at

“Our prayers, and the actions they inspire, will bring progress in Texas and around the nation,” said Father Pavone, who is a priest of the Amarillo, Texas, Diocese. “We thank God for the Governor of Texas, his team, the pro-life legislators, and our colleagues in the many pro-life groups in Texas. Onward to victory, together and under God!”

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