Jordan All Set to Receive Francis

Office of Tourism Has Installed Earthcams to Follow Live the Papal Mass in Amman’s International Stadium

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Jordan is preparing to welcome Pope Francis on May 24. This trip, the fourth papal visit to the Hashemite Kingdom, will serve once again to point out the biblical importance of different places scattered throughout Jordan’s geography, and it will also show the profound coexistence in the country of citizens of different religions.

The Holy Father will meet with King Abdullah II and other Jordanian leaders this Saturday before going to Amman’s International Stadium, where he will preside over a large Eucharistic celebration. After the Mass, which it is estimated will be attended by some 50,000 faithful, the Argentine Pontiff will go to the place of Jesus’ Baptism. Once there, Francis will meet with disabled persons as well as Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

In statements to the media, the director of the Jordan Tourism Board, Abed Al Rezzaq Arabiyat, said Pope Francis’ visit to Jordan «underscores not only the religious importance of Jordan for Christian pilgrims, but it reiterates the message we are sharing with those who visit Jordan: that there is a coexistence of different cultures and beliefs in the country, reflected in the variety of our historical places, civilizations and religions.”

All those who are unable to be in the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom during the papal visit will be able to follow live the Mass presided over by the Holy Father in Amman’s Stadium thanks to ‘Earthcams’ installed to this effect.

To access the Earthcams go to:

The official website for the Jordan leg of the trip is:

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Iván de Vargas

Profesional de la comunicación con más de 15 años de experiencia en la información religiosa. A lo largo de su dilatada trayectoria, ha desempeñado diferentes responsabilidades: delegado diocesano de Medios de Comunicación Social de Córdoba y director de la Revista Primer Día; director de comunicación de la Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM); redactor jefe del Semanario Alba, y responsable de comunicación de María Visión España, donde ha dirigido y presentado diferentes programas de TV. Asimismo, ha sido colaborador de diferentes medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales (Cadena Cope, Popular TV, Intereconomía TV, Radio Intereconomía, La Nación, Trámite Parlamentario y Municipal, Radio Inter, Radio María, Semanario Alfa y Omega, Avvenire, etc.). En este tiempo, ha estado especialmente vinculado a la cobertura informativa de las actividades del Papa y la Santa Sede. Actualmente es redactor de la agencia ZENIT. También es miembro fundador de Crónica Blanca y socio de la Unión Católica de Informadores y Periodistas de España (UCIP-E).

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