Pro-Lifers Counter Pro-Abortion Twitter Campaign

Coalition of Pro-Choice Groups Set May 28 as a Day for Promotion of Abortion as ‘Women’s Health’ in Developing World

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Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries joined today in a Twitterstorm on women’s health and abortion in developing countries.

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, is sending out Tweets from his account, @frfrankpavone, as are members of the Pastoral Team, including Youth Outreach Director Bryan Kemper, @bryankemper, and Dr. Alveda King, Director of African-American Outreach, @alvedaking. Janet Morana, executive director, is sending Tweets from @recallabortion and @regretabortion.

Through her work at the United Nations as PFL’s Special Representative, Marie Smith, director of the Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues, part of Gospel of Life Ministries, learned that today, #May28, a coalition of pro-abortion groups would take to Twitter to promote abortion as «essential healthcare for women» and for its inclusion in the next set of goals being created at the United Nations.

Smith brought the event to Kemper’s attention last week. Since then, he and Andy Moore, director of online communications for Americans United for Life, have been publicizing the event across the social media universe.

“Pro-life Tweeters gave a major push back to the global promotion of abortion as part of women’s health as pro-abortion activists marked May 28 as the International Day of Action for Women’s Health,” Smith said. “May 28 was supposed to be a day when a cacophony of pro-abortion organizations and radical feminist groups came together to advance global access to abortion, but their plans was interrupted.”

Kemper commented:  “Once again the pro-life generation has risen up and taken over the Twittersphere as we have dominated #womenshealth by as much as 15 to 1 during the pro-abort Tweetfest. The youth are always called the leaders of the future but they are showing they are the leaders of today by flooding Twitter with the truth that abortion is not #womenshealth. Stand True, the youth outreach of Priests for Life is dedicated to educating, activating and equipping this generation and we are excited to see today’s successful takeover of the pro-abortion Tweetfest.” 

“We really can’t underestimate the value of this kind of social engagement,” said Father Pavone. “We are directly reaching people all over the globe with important, informative messages about how abortion is not healthcare in any circumstance.”

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