Homeless in Rome Attend the Circus

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Homeless in Rome Attend the Circus

Apostolic Almoner Reports That 2,000 Poor Invited to Rony Roller Circus

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The Apostolic Almoner, who assists Pope Francis in his charity work, reported that this afternoon in Rome a group of homeless people, refugees, prisoners and people living in poverty, will attend a circus offered by the Rony Roller Circus, which will make 2,000 seats available for the event.
The show will begin with a song dedicated to Pope Francis by a Spanish singer-songwriter, also homeless, which will serve as the opening prayer.
The Holy Father, during the general audience of Jan. 7, 2015, commented that circus performers are «creators of beauty.»
On that occasion, the Holy Father said:

First of all, I would like to thank the people from the circus who have come here. Here’s a thought: “Let’s go to the circus, we’ll have a little fun…”. Yes, that’s true, the circus is a spectacle and we have a good time there. We also see men and women perform unusual feats, who have great balance: yes, this is true, we’ve seen it. There they are, let’s all greet them! But they also teach us something more. People who perform in the circus create beauty, they are creators of beauty. And this is good for the soul. How much we need beauty! It’s true, our life is very practical, we make things, we keep working, it has to be done: making, the language of hands, making. But our life is also thinking, reasoning. And this is important because we are animals who think; we don’t think like animals! We are animals who think. Thinking, the language of the mind, is important. We are also people who love, who have the capacity to love: the language of the heart. There is the language of the mind, thinking; the language of the heart, loving; the language of hands, making. And these three languages all join together to create the harmony of the person. And that’s where beauty is; and these people who performed this spectacle today are creators of harmony, creators of beauty, who teach the best way to beauty. God is certainly truth, God is certainly good, God certainly knows how to make things, he created the world. But above all, God is beautiful! The beauty of God. So often we forget about beauty! Mankind thinks, feels, makes, but is in such need today of beauty. Let’s not forget this and thank these people: skilled performers, skilled at balance, skilled showpeople, but most of all skilled at creating beauty. Thank you all so much.

In addition, during this charitable event, the attendees will have the opportunity to be assisted by doctors and nurses from the Vatican Health Services who will be present with a dedicated Vatican camper van and ambulances.

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