Bishop of Funchal Antonio Cavaco Carrilho
Appalled by the sad news of the terrible fires in the Island of Madeira, the Holy Father requests Your Excellency to transmit to the families of the victims his condolences and his participation in the grief of all those who mourn, as well as his solidarity and spiritual closeness to those that lost their homes. In a particular way, on the occasion of the Feast of Our Lady of the Hill, His Holiness entrusts the Diocese of Funchal to the Holy Mother of God who, with her Assumption into Heaven, is closer to her children here on earth, to intercede for them with Jesus, as a luminous sign of the future life we hope for. And, at the same time, he asks the Heavens for comfort of and recovery for the wounded, and the courage and consolation of Christian hope for all those affected by the tragedy, with a special remembrance for all those working to combat the fires, Pope Francis sends a consoling Apostolic Blessing.
Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State of His Holiness
[Original text: Portuguese] [Translation by ZENIT]

Copyright: Vatican Media
Pope's Telegram for Wildfire Victims in Portugal
‘His Holiness entrusts the Diocese of Funchal to the Holy Mother of God who, with her Assumption into Heaven, is closer to her children here on earth, to intercede for them with Jesus, as a luminous sign of the future life we hope for’
Below is a ZENIT translation of the condolence telegram sent by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, on Pope Francis’ behalf, for the victims affected by the wildfires that for days have been devastating the Portuguese island of Madeira: