Pope Francis has voiced his support for the “Más por Menos” [More for Less] collection and campaign taking place in Argentina from September 10 to 11.
Vatican Radio reported that in a message sent through the Secretary of State, the Holy Father encouraged the participants to “make great personal and communal efforts to reach out to the multitude of needy brothers and sisters who feel excluded from society, and to bring to the them the closeness and love of God.”
Pope Francis invited those involved to “be sensitive to the cry of anguish” from so many people who have been “marginalized and discarded,” and to help them.
“May Christ, the true merciful face of the Father, give them the experience of the joy of sharing their time, their treasure, and their lives with those whom God loves with a preferential love, the poor and homeless,” concluded the message.

Lunch with Syrian Refugees © L'Osservatore Romano
Pope Encourages Argentina Campaign for Poor
Asks participants to make a personal effort to reach out to the excluded