This morning in the Holy See Press Office the conference “Sport at the Service of Humanity” was presented. The first world meeting of faith and sport, it will be held in the Vatican this Wednesday through Friday.
The panel was composed of Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Msgr. Melchor Sánchez de Toca y Alameda, undersecretary of the same dicastery, Christian Deuringer, head of Global Brand Management of Allianz SE, Mario Pescante, ambassador of the International Olympic Committee before the United Nations, and the footballer Kashif Siddiqi, co-founder of Football for Peace.
The opening ceremony will take place tomorrow afternoon in the Paul VI Hall, and Pope Francis will preside alongside Ban Ki-Moon, secretary general of the United Nations, and the president of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Barch, as guests of honour.
The United Nations and the International Olympic Committee are special supporters of the event.
The conference was organised by the Pontifical Council for Culture, whose president Cardinal Ravasi affirmed: “It is an expression of creativity, imagination and potential. This noble activity can degenerate as a result of well-known and devastating elements. But sport, from its origins to our times, is part of the paideia , the process of creativity and evolution”.
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1st World Meeting of Faith and Sport Begins Wednesday
Pope Francis, Ban Ki-Moon, Thomas Barch will be guests of honor