LATEST NEWS Pope's Morning Homily: No Peace Without Humility Oct 21, 2016 16:10 Deborah Castellano Lubov
Spirituality Holy See's Statement on Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space ‘In the digital age, humanity has become ever more dependent on space technology for the conduct of everyday life and safeguarding the future.’ Oct 21, 2016 09:20 ZENIT Staff
Art and Culture•Spirituality The Polish Primate: The Spiritual Bond Between Poland and the Holy See The Polish National Pilgrimage Being Held Oct. 20-23, Includes Masses in Four Patriarchal Basilicas and a Meeting With Pope Francis Oct 21, 2016 08:32 ZENIT Staff
Spirituality Holy See's Statement on Promotion, Protection of Children's Rights ‘Pope Francis has appealed to the International Community to “unite and renew [its] efforts to remove this cause of modern slavery, which deprives millions of children of some fundamental rights and exposes them to serious dangers.”’ Oct 21, 2016 07:37 ZENIT Staff