Vatican: 3rd “Economy and Society” Prize Is Awarded to a Professor and Two Journalists

Recipients of Prize to Be Conferred on May 18 Are Two Germans and a Frenchman

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The 3rd “Economy and Society” International Prize of the “Centesimus Annus-Pro Pontifice” Foundation and of the International Congress “Constructive Alternatives in an Era of Global Turmoil” was presented on Wednesday, February 15 in the Holy See Press Office.
Speaking were Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich-Friesing and the President of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation, Domingo Sugranyes Bickel.
A recipient of the International Prize was German Markus Vogt for his work Prinzip Nachhaltigkeit. Ein Entwurf aus theologisch-ethischer Perspektive, Munich 2013.
Cardinal Marx explained that Vogt’s work highlights the role of sustainability as one of the fundamental principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church, along with those of personality, solidarity and subsidiarity. In fact, he considers sustainability as a development for our time of the traditional principle of the common good.
The prize to journalists, instituted this year, went to French Assumptionist religious Dominique Greiner for his blog “La doctrine social sur le fil,” published on the Web page of the newspaper “La Croix” and to German Burkhard Schafers, for his radio program “Oswald von Nell-Breuning – Was ist von der katholischen Soziallehre geblieben.”
The prize will be awarded on May 18 in the Roman Palace of the Chancellery, in the context of the annual international congress of the Centesimus Annus-Pro Pontifice Foundation, whose objective is to promote the diffusion of the Social Doctrine of the Church. The congress will be held in the Synod’s New Hall in the Vatican and in the Palace of the Chancellery from May 18-20, 2017.
Cardinal Marx, President of the jury of the “Society and Economy” Prize, illustrated the reasons for the award, for which this time 57 works were entered from 12 countries of the five continents and he explained that, with the institution of the prize to journalists the organization wished to recognize the importance of that profession in the diffusion of the Social Doctrine of the Church.

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