Two suitable places in Lima have already been identified, for Pope Francis’ visit to Peru from January 18-21, 2018, which will receive between 2-5 million people, said the director of the Organizing Commission of the Archbishopric of Lima, Father Luis Gaspar Uribe, to Radio “Programs of Peru,” adding that “Rome already knows which ones they are and we are awaiting the approval.”
The Pope will hold two meetings in Lima, which will gather thousands of faithful. One of the meetings will be with young people, and the other with families and the population in general.
One of the Vatican’s commissions in charge of papal trips was in Peru two months ago to assess suitable places for the meetings with the Successor of Peter. Days later, those in charge of security measures also visited the country. “These Commissions gather the information and take it to the Vatican, which analyzes it; then the program is approved,” said Father Gaspar.
The priest also announced that over 20,000 young volunteers will be part of the so-called “Pope’s Guard,” offering logistical support during the Pontiff’s visit to the country.
The “Guard” is made up of youths of good will of all social classes. They will assist people taking part in the meetings with the Holy Father in Lima, Trujillo and Puerto Maldonado.
“The Holy Father is not coming as a star, he is not coming to give a show, to engage in theater or take part in a circus,” but “he is coming as a Father who visits his children,” stressed Father Gaspar, anticipating that the Website on the visit will be launched during the first week of August. It will include a space for youths that wish to register as part of the “Pope’s Guard,” because “one of the characteristics of all Popes’ visits are young people,” he said.
The Pope is scheduled to arrive in Peru from Chile on the afternoon of January 18, 2018. The following day he will go to Puerto Maldonado. He will spend January 20 in Trujillo, and will spend Sunday, January 21, in the capital, Lima.
Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani addressed a Pastoral Letter to the people of Lima, regarding Pope Francis’ visit, in which he requests prayers for the Pope’s intentions and for the fruits of his visit to the country. The Letter was read in all the parishes.

Pope outside Papal Flight - screenshot
Pope’s Trip to Peru: Two Places in Lima to Receive Between 2-5 M People
Young People Who Wish Can Register to Be Part of the “Pope’s Guard,” which Will Assist during the Events