Pope Francis appointed Father Matteo Visioli, 51, Italian expert in Canon Law, as under-secretary– ‘the number three,’ if you will –of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Up to now, he has been Episcopal Vicar of the diocese of Parma, Italy, for pastoral care.
Father Visioli was born in Parma in 1966. He was ordained priest for his diocese in 1992.
He has a doctorate in Canon Law from Rome’s Pontifical Gregorian University.
He is Episcopal Vicar for the “Church-World sector,” member of the Committee for the Ecclesiastical Goods of the Italian Episcopal Conference, and was parish priest in two parishes.
In addition, at present he is President of “Caritas Children,” Director and Professor at the Inter-Diocesan Institute of Religious Sciences and Professor of Canon Law at the Gregorian and at Venice’s Studium.
He is author of numerous scientific publications in the area of Church Law.

Pope writing a letter
Father Matteo Visioli, Lawyer, Appointed “Number 3” of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Prelate Is President of “Caritas Children”