Visit with Bolivian Bishops © L´Osservatore Romano

Visit with Bolivian Bishops © L´Osservatore Romano

Pope Francis Receive 29 Bolivian Bishop for "ad limina" visit

The last «ad limina» visit of the Bolivian bishops was in 2008

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Pope Francis received on September 18, 2017, 29 bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Bolivia on their “ad Limina” visit in the Vatican.
During the «ad limina» visit, each bishop must give an account of the moral and spiritual state of his diocese and its governance.  The visit also allows an information question/answer session with the Holy Father and bishops.
The Bolivian bishops last made an ad Limina visit in November 2008 with Pope Benedict XVI.
As detailed on the website of the Episcopal Conference of Bolivia, the Catholic Church has 18 ecclesiastical jurisdictions in the country.

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