Pope Francis will begin the New Year with a trip to Chile and Peru (January 15-22, 2018). Both countries are busy preparing for the Holy Father’s visit.
Monsignor Santiago Silva Retamales, Military Bishop of Chile and President of the Episcopal Conference <Cech>, explained to SIR agency that the preparation has an organizational part and a spiritual part. Chile is awaiting Pope Francis with “enormous affection,” “as a brother coming among brothers, to illumine our way,” said the Bishop.
The “Pope Francis Visit National Commission,” which is entrusted with the organization of the visit, informed the faithful on the security measures and on logistical issues. The Commission stressed that all, regardless of their origin or religion, are welcome at the meetings with Pope Francis, states a press release published on the Website of the Episcopal Conference of Chile. It also stresses that the tickets are free.
A special surprise is being prepared in Peru to welcome the Pontiff: a video of some two-minutes duration on the beauties of the country. The population is waiting for Pope Francis with joy in every region. The preparations are underway and all are full of hope and strength, is the video’s message, which ends with the affirmation” “United by Hope.”
Translation by Virginia M. Forrester

© Radio Vaticano
Chile and Peru Await Pope Francis
Apostolic Journey from January 15- 22, 2018