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Hope for Peru

Articles from January 21, 2018

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Pope to Contemplatives: The Church Needs You

‘Strive to grow in the fraternal life, so that every monastery can be a beacon of light in the midst of disunity and division.’

Holy Father’s Address to Bishops in Lima (Full Text)

‘Saint Turibius, the man who wanted to get to the other shore.’

Pope Speaks to Peru’s Bishops of Unity and Hope

Cites Example of Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo, Archbishop of Lima, Patron of Latin American Episcopate

Holy Father’s Homily at Mass at Las Palmas Air Base (Full Text)

‘Today the Lord calls each of you to walk with him in the city, in your city.’

Pope Francis: ‘Dear Peruvian Brothers, Sisters, you have so many Reasons for Hope.’

Full Text of Final Blessing After Sunday Mass in Lima

Pope Warns of the Jonah Syndrome

‘Jesus continues to walk on our streets.’

Pope Aims Angelus Address at Young

‘In those moments when our faith seems to fade, remember that Jesus is by your side. Do not give up!’

Pope Remarks Before the Angelus in Lima (Full Text)

‘Jesus does not want you to have a cosmetic heart. ‘

Holy Father’s Prayer Before Relics of Peruvian Saints

‘Help us to be a Church that goes forth, drawing near to all, especially the less fortunate.’

Pope’s Address with Contemplatives at Limaʼs Lord of the Miracles Shrine (Full Text)

Cloistered Life Neither Closes nor Shrinks our Hearts


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