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New Website Shares Stories of Pro-Abortion Leaders Who Turned Pro-Life

Highlights Story of Norma McCorvey, Known to World as Jane Roe

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Following the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch,  the non-profit educational group VirtueMedia™ is sharing its new powerful website, JaneRoe.com, which reveals the little-known truth of how three of the top abortion leaders converted to become pro-life, in hopes of encouraging the trend of public opinion toward the pro-life stance.
The website highlights the story of Norma McCorvey, known to the world as Jane Roe, the plaintiff in the well-known Roe v. Wade case that legalized abortion in the United States. In the ad, she explains her effort to obtain a legal abortion in the 1970s when facing an unplanned pregnancy. However, she had never had an abortion, realizing later that her court case was the biggest mistake of her life. She spent the remainder of her life fighting to stop abortion.
In addition to the moving «Norma» ad, JaneRoe.com also features the «Restore the Dream» and with pro-life advocate Dr. Alveda King (niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.), the «Been There» commercial with post-abortive women who regret their abortion decision, and the «Black Dignity» ad, which describes how abortion is the top cause of death in the African American community. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who ran the largest abortion clinic in the world and helped legalize abortion in America, also appears on the site. He performed 60,000 abortions personally before seeing abortion for what it really is –  the taking of an innocent life.
VirtueMedia is the sister apostolate of Catholics Come Home.

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