On January 21, 2019, the Cristonaut@s thematic park will open its doors to the thousands of World Youth Day (WYD) pilgrims, with numerous cultural initiatives, organized by the Ramon Pane Foundation.
The 2019 WYD area dedicated to the musical, graphic and new technologies culture for young people, established inside Omar Park in Panama City, holds two surprises: Xto Painting, a painting competition, and Xto Music, another competition for young people with musical talents.
The foregoing was revealed by the Ramon Pane Foundation that, in collaboration with the WYD organizers, is preparing in Panama City the Crristonaut@s thematic park, which can be visited by young people from all over the world, from January 21-26, 2019.
Xto Music
The organizers pointed out that the Xto Music competition, seeks “to have a youthful musical participation, discovering new talents” in the Auditorium of the Cristonaut@s Park, located in Omar Park, during the 2019 Panama WYD, interpreting songs of a religious or secular character whose contents gives incentives to values, such as life, friendship, love, etc.
Those that wish to take part must begin the process by registering at www.cristonautas.com and send an e-mail to cristonautas@cristonautas .com, including the name of the user and the e-mail with which he/she registered and/or by the Facebook messenger and/or WhatsApp + 1 786.620.1056.
The basis of the competition can be read here: http://www.critonautas.com/index.php/xto-music/
Xto Painting
According to the organizers, the objective of the painting competition in the Cristonaut@s space is to make a painting using different artistic techniques at the discretion of the artist, inspired in the 2019 WYD official theme: “The Annunciation to Mary.”
The works of the artists taking part in the competition will be exhibited in Panama City’s Omar Park, around the Cristonaut@s Park from January 22-25, 2019.
Those wishing to take part must begin the process by registering at www.cristonautas.com and send an e-mail to cristonautas@cristonautas including the user’s name and e-mail with which he/she registered and/or by Facebook messenger and/or WhatsApp + 1 786.620.1056.
For information on the way to take part in the competition see page: http://www.cristonautas.com/index.php/xto-painting
Technology of Virtual Reality
In addition, young people will be able to experiment, inside Cristonaur@s Park, with virtual reality devices; they will live an experience of reflection following the Lectio Divina method, making use of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Karaoke, Kinect and touch screens, 3D and 4D.
The Angel Gabriel will be their guide during this process of reflection and, like the Virgin Mary, they are constantly communicating with each youth, helping them understand the Lord’s message and, what more important, how to internalize it in their life and put it into practice.
Parque Cristonaut@S, JMJ Panamá 2019. Captura De Pantalla Youtube
2019 WYD: Music and Painting Competitions in the Cristonaut@s Theme Park
In Panama City’s Omar Park