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Articles from March 6, 2019

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Pope Encourages Faithful to Return to the Essential During Lent

Holy Father’s Homily on Ash Wednesday

‘Thy Kingdom Come’ – Proclamation of Happiness, Message of Joy

‘Jesus doesn’t want to push people to convert by sowing fear of God’s impending judgment or the sense of guilt for the evil committed.’

General Audience: Pope Reflects on ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ (Full Text)

Continuing Catechesis on the ‘Our Father

‘Live This Time in Authentic Penitential Spirit & Conversion, As a Return to the Father, Who Awaits All With Open Arms’

Pope’s Lenten Advice to Young, Newlyweds, and Sick

Pope Encourages Arabic-speaking Pilgrims to Think of God’s Kingdom Coming

Reminds That God’s Prayer Will ‘Answer’

General Audience: Pope: May Lent Bring Us to Easter With Purified and Renewed Hearts

‘May the Lenten journey we begin today bring us to Easter with hearts purified and renewed by the grace of the Holy Spirit’

US: Holy Father Sends Condolences to Victims of Alabama Tornado

At Least 23 Killed, Many Injured and Missing

Brazil: Pope Sends Message to Faithful Marking ‘Fraternity Campaign 2019’

‘You will be delivered with justice and righteousness’

Philippines: Reach Out to Needy, Cardinal Tagle Says in Lent Message

Charity is Central to the Church’s Mission

Syria: House Repair Plan Offers Fresh Hope to Christians

Homs Reconstruction Committee ‘Critical”’to Regrowth of Christian community

ACN Launches Lenten Campaign for Religious Sisters in 85 Countries

‘Extraordinary women. Thanks to God. Thanks to You’

Eritrea: Celebration of First National Youth Day

550 Delegates Gather for Event

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