This morning, on the plane taking him to Bulgaria, the Holy Father Francis went, as usual, to greet the media agents accompanying him on the papal flight.
Introduced by the presentation of the Director ad interim of the Holy See Press Office, Alessandro Gisotti, the Pope addressed a few words to the journalists, the text of which we translate below.
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The Holy Father’s Words
Alessandro Gisotti:
Good morning. Welcome, Holy Father, and thank you for coming here for a greeting, even if the flight is brief, we know that you wished to do so.
This is the fourth international Apostolic Journey of this year: Four Continents, Holy Father, America, Asia, Africa and now Europe.
A welcome goes to colleagues, particularly those of Bulgaria and of North Macedonia that are here. A trip that — you also made understood in video-messages –, you feel inspired and accompanied by Saint John XXIII and by Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Before giving you the floor, Holy Father, I also wish to say to you that today we have here a colleague, Aura Miguel, who has reached the 100th Apostolic Journey. 100! Here she is, of Radio Renascenca.
Pope Francis:
It’s Portugal!
Alessandro Gisotti:
It’s Portugal. Please, Holy Father.
Pope Francis:
Good morning — and thank you so much for the company, for your work. It will be a brief trip, just three days, but the organizers have done a lot, it’s very full: let us take advantage of this. Thank you for your work and for your company.
[Original text: Italian] [ZENIT’s translation by Virginia M. Forrester]

© Vatican Media
Holy Father Greets Journalists on Flight to Bulgaria
‘It will be a brief trip, just three days, but the organizers have done a lot, it’s very full: let us take advantage of this.’