In the afternoon of July 28, 2019, Pope Francis made a surprise visit to the Regina Mundi House, run by the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul in the northwest of Rome.
On making this visit — explained L’Osservatore Romano two days later –, the Holy Father wished to greet Sister Maria Mucci, retired in the House’s Infirmary, after having served for years in the Vatican’s Saint Martha’s House.
The 74-year-old religious was a pillar of Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, where she entered even before her religious vows, explained her Sisters. “Lately, she took care of the kitchen, and she was proud to take care personally of the Pope’s vegetables,” confided Sister Stefania. Those who were close to Sister Maria in her service at the Vatican also hailed her “presence of intense prayer.”
Sister Maria underwent a surgical intervention in October, after which she has been in convalescence.” Look! My illness made the happiness of all my Sisters of the Regina Mundi House, who were able to meet the Pope,” she joked after the visit.
While at the House, the Holy Father also contemplated a relic of John Paul II’s blood-stained clothes, which was given to the Sisters after the attack on May 13, 1981, in St. Peter’s Square.

Daughters Of Charity © Vatican News
Pope Francis Visits Daughters of Charity
At Bedside of a Sister Who Served for a Long Time at Casa Santa Marta