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Bishops of Mexico Launch ‘Appostolica’

To Remain United Around Pillars of Faith During Pandemic

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The Bishops of Mexico presented the mobile application «Appostolica», «the Church now closer to you», a free tool «to unite the people of God around the pillars of our faith: the Word of God, the Magisterium, the Liturgy and Prayer». Through the app, it is possible to «always take the Bible with you», reading the books, chapters, and verses that you are looking for; have the texts of the liturgy of each day of the week, both of the masses and of the liturgy of the hours; know the most important ecclesial texts; search for parishes, with schedules and activities … and much more. This is the first version of the application, hoping that with everyone’s collaboration, it will improve in future updates.

As the press release of the Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM), sent to Agenzia Fides, informs, «Appostolica is the result of the work of the Conference of the Mexican Episcopate. This application is presented in these particularly difficult days, in which many people manage to stay in touch through modern information technologies».

The Bishops stress that the latter technological tool is in continuity with the long communicative tradition of the Church, which «since the beginning of its history, has undertaken the mission of proclaiming the Gospel throughout the world and for this has made use of the means of communication within its reach». They then quote St. John Paul II, who said that «the Church would feel guilty before God if she had not used these powerful means, which human intelligence is perfecting more and more». To download the application: appostolica.com.

The statement, signed by the President, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer of CEM, as well as by the two Bishops presidents of the Episcopal Commission for Communication and that for the Liturgical Pastoral Care, ends by entrusting «in the hands of our Mother Mary, the health of the sick, all the people of God who in these days are suffering due to the COVID-19 health emergency».

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