Local Church Letter to Prime Minister of Great Briton from Archbishop John Wilson Regarding Opening of Churches
Angelus Regina Caeli Address: On the Solemnity of Pentecost ‘The Holy Spirit Is the Fire that Burns Sins and Creates New Men and Women’ May 31, 2020 15:11 Virginia Forrester
Meetings US Bishops Warn of Continuing Racism Statement in Wake of Violence in Minneapolis May 31, 2020 04:07 Staff Reporter
Meetings Pope Writes to the Priests of Rome Had Hope They Would Meet at Chrism Mass Postponed due to Pandemic May 31, 2020 01:45 ZENIT Staff
Local Church Sunday May 31 is a National Day of Prayer for an end to COVID-19 in South Africa Statement from Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference May 29, 2020 17:56 Paul Tatu