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Bishop of Tombura-Yambio, South Sudan, Offers Prayers for Peace

‘Churches remain open in our hearts and actions’

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«We are unable to endure other wars, we have no more strength, people are destroyed, homeless. I pray to God that a solution is found as soon as possible to defeat the virus all over the world, bring peace to our Country and to all the other war zones, so that we can all walk together towards a peaceful world. Today, despite the suffering of distance, churches remain open in our hearts and actions, in the holiness of our daily life. Buildings remain physically closed, but our hearts are open, our spiritual life continues». This is what the Bishop of the diocese of Tambura-Yambio, Mgr. Eduardo Hiiboro tells Agenzia Fides, who wants to support the appeal to «global and immediate ceasefire in all corners of the world» launched by Pope Francis.

The Bishop remarks: «I am touched by the pastoral commitment that Pope Francis is carrying out for all humanity. In all circumstances, suffering affecting humanity is always present. I personally experienced it, as well as the entire population of South Sudan». Mgr. Hiiboro defines the Pope as a «good Samaritan, always close to everyone who needs supports». He puts his life at risk, he does not spare any energy, to make his presence felt in every community. Pope Francis has always shown himself to be a leading actor in pastoral work and in attention and care for the world, he is always on the front line close to the suffering of all humanity. My thanks go to him for having exposed himself immediately in this Covid-19 pandemic. He has been active since day one and his appeal to the world to fight this tragedy is only one of the signs that demonstrate his love, attention, concern, and closeness to the suffering world. All his suffering and his being close to us shines in his appeal. Humanity is confused, has lost hope, nobody knows how to manage this situation, but Pope Francis encourages us to go ahead and believe in God who is among us, protects and saves us. On my behalf, I continue to encourage my diocese, southern Sudan and the whole world to remain in line with the Pope, to work together for peace, for the sick and for the prevention of the virus».

With regard to the pandemic, the Bishop appeals to the entire South Sudanese population to comply with the indications given by the government, in particular for the protection and health of the poorest. «The presence of the virus is particularly disastrous for the poorest sectors, there is no infrastructure. Let us pray to the Lord that he continues to help and stay close to us».

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