Brazil’s Bishops Address Pandemic

Solidarity Among Parishes in Face of Covid-19

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The Emergency Solidarity Action, an initiative of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) and of Cáritas Brasileira launched on Easter Sunday, has already promoted initiatives of solidarity all over Brazil. The Parish of Cristo Rei, in Pesqueira (PE), and the Parish of São Luiz Gonzaga, of Caçador (SC), for example, have taken steps to concretely help families in situations of vulnerability in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, reported Fides News Agency.

Recently in Pesqueira, the Parish of Cristo Rei collected 400 kg of food products, with the aim of helping collectors of recyclable materials, self-employed or informal workers and communities in need. «It is very gratifying to be able to help these families, even if we see the real dimension of hunger, the needs of our suburbs», said Itamar de Carvalho Souza, of Caritas de Pesqueira.

The parish of São Luiz Gonzaga has donated 150 kits of personal protective equipment to community groups: the elderly, women, children, field workers, and self-employed or informal workers. «It was nice to coordinate this creation of fabric face masks», said Luci Peretti.

The Emergency Solidarity Action provides guidelines for the continuity and adaptation of the ongoing actions and also stimuli for gestures of generosity and solidarity that can be organized individually or in communities, in order to alleviate the impact and consequences affecting vulnerable populations across the country. To date, Brazil is the Latin American country with the highest number of deaths due to the coronavirus epidemic. 1,736 have already died and more than 14,000 have been hospitalized due to the pandemic, with more than 28,320 cases, according to Carnegie Mellon University.

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