Catholic Mission Continues in Australia During Coronavirus

‘The pandemic should not make us forget the poorest and most vulnerable’

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«Around the world, hundreds of missions have been stopped because of Covid-19: many missionaries have been forced to reduce their range or stop altogether. Priests, nuns, and operators are doing everything possible to ensure the best practical and pastoral support for the needy, despite the health crisis, but often these are charity works that rely on donations. This is why it is important that, even during this difficult period, each of us can continue to support those most in need». This is the appeal launched in a note sent to Agenzia Fides by Catholic Mission Australia, the Australian direction of the Pontifical Mission Societies.

Among the suspended activities, it is said in the note, there is the Eden Gardens Children’s Home, in the Indian city of Khuzuma, in the state of Nagaland: «The home welcomes 250 children from disadvantaged backgrounds, who are provided with reception, education and spiritual accompaniment. At the moment, most of the resident children have been sent home because of the lockdown. But there are many who do not have a family to return to: that is why it is important to continue to support Eden Gardens with donations at a distance».

Catholic Mission’s request is not to abandon those who already come from a disadvantaged situation: «As we face the challenges launched by the coronavirus here in Australia, we cannot forget that the conditions of already vulnerable communities all over the world will further deteriorate. Even in this time of trial, we must feel ready to respond to the call of love for God and one’s neighbor».

Catholic Mission supports missionary initiatives in 1,100 dioceses in over 160 countries, including India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Ghana, to support the activities of local Catholics: the latter, in fact, identify the basic needs of the populations who then receive the charitable actions, so that real growth opportunities are offered, regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, culture, social status.

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