Bishops' Conference of England and Wales

Windrush Day: Learn Lessons from History to Bring About Racial Justice, says Bishop

Day Recalls Arrival of Migrants from West Indies to England in 1948

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Bishop Paul McAleenan, Lead Bishop for Migrants and Refugees of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales,  has encouraged the Catholic community to unite in prayer and reflection on Windrush Day. He heralds the importance and value of the Windrush Generation as well as that of the UK’s migrant and ethnic minority communities:

“The story of the Windrush Generation is one of people coming to the UK, settling and building their lives here and making an enormous contribution to society; yet all too often these same people were failed by the state, as the scandal of the detention and deportation of innocent people made tragically clear. Many of those harmed still await redress from government.”

Learning lessons from history, says Bishop McAleenan, is an essential part of the process to bring about racial justice:

“Racial justice depends upon many things, including learning from our history. This Windrush Day we should unite in prayer and reflection, with a shared commitment to properly recognize the profound importance and value of the UK’s migrant and ethnic minority communities, never allowing their human dignity to be violated.”

The third annual Windrush Day falls on June 22 and commemorates the Windrush Generation and their legacy. The date marks the anniversary of the day hundreds of passengers from the West Indies disembarked from the passenger ship Empire Windrush at Tilbury Docks in 1948.

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Rosa Die Alcolea

Profesional con 7 años de experiencia laboral en informar sobre la vida de la Iglesia y en comunicación institucional de la Iglesia en España, además de trabajar como crítica de cine y crítica musical como colaboradora en distintos medios de comunicación. Nació en Córdoba, el 22 de octubre de 1986. Doble licenciatura en Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual en Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid (2005-2011). Ha trabajado como periodista en el Arzobispado de Granada de 2010 a 2017, en diferentes ámbitos: redacción de noticias, atención a medios de comunicación, edición de fotografía y vídeo, producción y locución de 2 programas de radio semanales en COPE Granada, maquetación y edición de la revista digital ‘Fiesta’. Anteriormente, ha trabajado en COPE Córdoba y ABC Córdoba.

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