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Argentina: Pope’s Video-Message at End of Marian Year

‘Mary, Mother and Disciple’

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On Tuesday, December 8, 2020, Pope Francis sent a video message, on the occasion of the closing of the National Marian Year in Argentina.

It was an event convoked by the Argentine Bishops from December 8, 2019 to December 8 of this year, to highlight the Jubilee of the 400 years of the finding of the holy image of the Virgin of the Valley in the province of Catamarca.

Mary, Mother, and Disciple

“The National Marian Year closes today A year in which, with the restrictions proper to this time of pandemic, we have held many activities in remembrance and in honour of the Virgin, our Mother,” said the Holy Father.”

In his message, the Pontiff united himself “to all the faithful that celebrate today the end of the National Marian Year,” he “prays for them” and asks that they pray for him.

“Don’t forget that Mary is Mother and disciple. She is Jesus’ Mother. She is the one who brought Jesus to the world. And She is disciple; She is the first to follow Jesus, to do what Jesus says, to obey,” he continued.

“May the figure of Mary, Mother, and disciple, accompany us in our daily life,” he added.

National Marian Year

 Remembered during the course of this year was the first Mass celebrated in the Argentine territory 500 years ago, in the bay of San Julian port, on April 1.

The 4th National Marian Congress was held in the province of Catamarca from April 23-26 and, in September, the Mariological Congress also took place in Catamarca.

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Larissa I. López

Larissa I. López es licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad de Sevilla, Máster en Artes de la Comunicación Corporativa y Doctora en Comunicación por la Universidad CEU San Pablo de Madrid. Su trayectoria profesional ha transcurrido entre el ámbito de la comunicación y el de la docencia. Como redactora, ha colaborado con medios como Aceprensa, Pantalla 90 o CinemaNet. Como profesora ha impartido clases en la universidad y en centros de FP y bachillerato. En estos últimos realizaba también tareas relacionadas con la comunicación (redes sociales y edición de contenidos). Cordobesa de nacimiento también ha vivido en Sevilla, Madrid y Roma.

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