Joachin Meisner Hertz
(ZENIT News / Würzburg, 01.03.20223).- A survey by INSA, Consultant for Die Tagespost, revealed that only 15% of German Catholics believe in the existence of the Devil. In fact, the research shows that 64% didn’t believe in him, 15% had no answer and 6% did not wish to answer.
Focusing strictly on the Catholic realm, 60% of the baptized do not believe in the existence of the Devil. Only 15% of Catholics believe that the Devil exists.
The answers are not very different in the Protestant ambit, although the percentage is slightly higher of those that believe in the Devil’s existence. In fact, 17% of Protestants believe that the Devil exists.
Pope Francis has spoken on different occasions about the existence of the Devil. One of his clearest and bluntest statements was on October 30, 2014, when he said: “this generation and many others, have been led to believe that the Devil is a myth, a figure, an idea, the idea of evil,” but he reminded that, in the Gospel, Saint Paul teaches us that “the Devil exists and we have to fight against him!”