Opening of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops Photo: Vatican Media

One week before the beginning of Synod, names of those who will make the synthesis project and the Information Commission are published

One woman will be on the Synthesis Project Committee and two on the Information Committee.

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 10.10.2023).- In the afternoon session of the synod proceedings on Monday, 9 October 2023, voting took  place for the election of the members of the Commission for the Synthesis Report and for the  Commission for Information.

The Commission for the Synthesis Report has the task not to write, but of periodically  supervising, amending and approving the preparation of the draft of the Synthesis Report with  a view to its presentation to the Assembly.

The Commission for Information has the mandate of taking care of the communication on  the progress of the Synodal Assembly in accordance with Art. 24 § 1 in agreement with the  Dicastery for Communication and the General Secretariat of the Synod, which assist the  commission with its own personnel.

The elections were held according to the procedures and norms indicated in the Regulations,  in particular, Art 11, § 2-4; Art. 14 and Art. 15.

Therefore, in accordance with Article 14 § 2 of the Regulations, the Commission for the  Synthesis Report is composed of:

President: Cardinal Jean-Claude HOLLERICH S.J., General Rapporteur

Ex officio Members (cf. Art.11 § 2)

Cardinal Mario GRECH, Secretary General of the General Secretariat of the Synod Fr Riccardo BATTOCCHIO, Special Secretary

Members elected by the Assembly

Cardinal Fridolin AMBONGO BESUNGU, O.F.M. Cap. (AFRICA – Rep. Congo) Cardinal Jean-Marc AVELINE (EUROPE – France)

Cardinal Gérald Cyprien LACROIX, I.S.P.X. (NORTH AMERICA – Canada) H.E. José Luis AZUAJE AYALA (LATIN AMERICA – Venezuela)

H.E. Mgr. Shane Anthony MACKINLAY (OCEANIA – Australia)

H.E. Mgr. Mounir KHAIRALLAH (EAST CATHOLIC CHURCHES – Lebanon) Rev. Fr. Clarence Sandanaraj DAVEDASSAN (ASIA – Malaysia)

Members by pontifical appointment

Cardinal George MARENGO, I.M.C.

Sr. Patricia MURRAY, I.B.V.M.

Rev. Fr. Giuseppe BONFRATE

In accordance with Art. 11 § 2 of the Rules of Procedure, the Commission for Information is  composed of the following members:

President: Dr Paolo RUFFINI (pontifical appointment)

Secretary: Dr. Sheila Leocádia PIRES (pontifical appointment)

Ex officio Members (cf. Art.11 § 2)

Cardinal Jean-Claude HOLLERICH S.J., General Rapporteur

Cardinal Mario GRECH, Secretary General of the General Secretariat of the Synod H.E. Mgr Luis MARÍN DE SAN MARTÍN, O.S.A., Under-Secretary of the General Secretariat  of the Synod

Nathalie BECQUART, X.M.C.J., Under-Secretary of the General Secretariat of the Synod p. Giacomo COSTA S.J., Special Secretary

Fr Riccardo BATTOCCHIO, Special Secretary

Dr. Matteo BRUNI, Director of the Holy See Press Office

Dr. Thierry BONAVENTURA, Communication Manager of the General Secretariat of the  Synod

Members elected by the Assembly

Cardinal Víctor Manuel FERNÁNDEZ (LATIN AMERICA – Argentina/Vatican) Cardinal Joseph William TOBIN, C.S.R. (NORTH AMERICA United States) H.E. Mgr. Andrew Nkea FUANYA (AFRICA – Cameroon)

H.E. Msgr. Pablo Virgilio S. DAVID (ASIA – Philippines)

H.E. Mgr Anthony RANDAZZO (OCEANIA – Australia)

Rev. Fr. Antonio SPADARO, S.I. (EUROPE – Italy)


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