The ecstatic parents of these four children have experienced the birth as a miracle Photo: FB UKC Ljubljana

They have quadruplets and name them after evangelists

Statistics indicate that the probability of having quadruplets in this country is very small: one in half a million. However, it happened at the beginning of this 2024.

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(ZENIT News / Liubliana, 01.25.2024).- The last time quadruplets were born in the capital of Slovenia was in 2015. Statistics indicate that the probability of having quadruplets in this country is very small: one in half a million. However, it happened at the beginning of this 2024.

In addition to the rarity of such births, the chosen names for the babies add another unique aspect: none other than the names of each of the evangelists: Matthew (weighing 1450 grams), Luke (weighing 1030 grams), Mark (weighing 1420 grams), and John (weighing 1280 grams).

The ecstatic parents of these four children have experienced the birth as a miracle, as even with a conception and pregnancy of four babies, it is very possible for one of them to die during childbirth. But that didn’t happen. The joy of the marriage of Nemanja and Milana Petrović reached the town hall of Banjaluka, where the parents come from, and where the mayor announced a special donation for the children.

«This is the best news for our city, and I hope there will be more in the future. I sincerely congratulate these proud parents because they brought joy not only to their family but to the entire Banjaluka,» wrote Mayor Draško Stanivuković.

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Joachin Meisner Hertz

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