Photo: Catolin

England and Wales Catholic Bishops release statement on gender, criticize gender ideology and sex-change operations

The bishops observed the emergence of new language and notions around gender such as “transgender,” “gender identity theory,” and “gender fluidity.”

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(ZENIT News – IFN / London, 04.29.2024).- The Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) released a “pastoral reflection” on gender, particularly condemning sex-change operations and gender ideology, while also not declaring a concrete “doctrinal” position on these issues. The statement, called “Intricately woven by the Lord: A pastoral reflection on gender,” was two years in the making and opposes current societal “gender ideology.” It emphasizes a theological understanding that God created mankind in His likeness, as male and female.

The bishops observed the emergence of new language and notions around gender such as “transgender,” “gender identity theory,” and “gender fluidity.” They critiqued these ideas as typically adopting a dualistic understanding that entirely separates psychological and spiritual aspects from the material. The CBCEW sees this perspective as pervading many areas of society and posing challenges for fields such as law, medicine, education, and religious freedom.

The bishops argued that any medical interventions aimed at “reassigning” gender that destructs the body’s fertility or sexual function also dishonor the body. They asserted that sexual identity isn’t subject to manipulation; it’s a fact inherent in each person. Reportedly, the church officials were careful during the press conference to stress that this document is meant for pastoral, not doctrinal, guidance.

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