Pope Francis, who officially launched the University of Meaning Photo: Vatican Media

Pope Francis participated in the closing of the International Meeting of Meaning and launched the University of Meaning

With a day full of emotions, the International Meeting of Meaning concluded, an initiative organized by Scholas Occurrentes and the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) in response to Pope Francis’ call.

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 05.23.2024).- The event culminated with the presence of Pope Francis,  who officially launched the University of Meaning, an institution aimed at addressing the  crisis of meaning affecting the contemporary world. The participants handed him a  document with conclusions and proposals to include in the new university.

When asked about the meaning of a University of Meaning, Pope Francis responded that  confusing education with mere instruction is a danger. He mentioned the three languages  with which the university works: those of the mind, the hands, and the heart. He stated  that if one does not engage with all three languages, they fall short, and that the three  senses give meaning.

Il Papa nell'appuntamento di chiusura dell'Incontro Internazionale del Senso promosso da Scholas Occurrentes

One of the most moving moments was when «Cuchi», a young man from Mar del Plata  participating in Scholas’ «Lif» program, gave an emotional testimony explaining how  important Scholas is in his life.

Another interaction was by comedian Luquitas Rodriguez, a participant in the meeting,  who asked: what role does art play in the search for meaning? The Holy Father replied  that art pushes forward, liberates, and helps people understand many things. To close his  answer, he quoted a fragment from the poem «Everness» by Jorge Luis Borges, which  provoked an ovation from the audience.

On the other hand, artist and YouTuber Karen Polinesia asked the Holy Father: what is the  first thing a person going through great pain should do? The Holy Father replied that keeping an open heart is the best thing one can do because when pain is opened to the  help of others, it is fruitful. He concluded his response with a call to make room for hope.

L'ambasciatrice boliviana con la chitarra

There was also a testimony from Isidora Uribe Silva, an inclusion activist and creator of  the organization «Find Your Place,» who spoke about the importance of having spaces like  the one being experienced.

This meeting brought together rectors from the most prestigious universities in the world,  influential personalities from culture, politics, and technology, young community leaders,  and prominent artists, with the goal of seeking concrete solutions to the current and  future challenges facing the world.

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