ope Francis embarked on a notable visit to Campidoglio, the historic seat of Rome’s city government

ope Francis embarked on a notable visit to Campidoglio, the historic seat of Rome’s city government Photo: Vatican Media

The Pope’s historic visit to the Capitol in Rome

The Jubilee of 2025 among the main topics discussed between the Pope and the Mayor of Rome

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 06.10.2024).- On the morning of Monday, June 10, Pope Francis embarked on a notable visit to Campidoglio, the historic seat of Rome’s city government. Departing from Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, the Pope’s journey to meet with the city’s mayor marked a significant event in his ongoing efforts to strengthen ties with local administrations.

Il Papa e il sindaco Gualtieri con la statua di Marco Aurelio in primo piano

Upon his arrival, Pope Francis was warmly welcomed by Rome’s Mayor, Roberto Gualtieri. Trumpeters from Vitorchiano heralded his entrance into the Tabularium, an ancient part of the Capitoline Hill complex, setting a ceremonious tone for the visit. The Pope and Mayor Gualtieri paused at the first arch overlooking the Roman Forum, a moment steeped in historical significance.

The pair then ascended to the first floor of the Palazzo Senatorio via elevator, where they held a private meeting in the mayor’s office. Following their discussions, the mayor introduced his family to the Pope. Pope Francis proceeded to greet members of the mayor’s secretariat in the Sala dell’Arazzo and then inscribed his signature in the city’s “Golden Book” located in the Sala delle Bandiere.

The official visit continued in the Sala Giulio Cesare, where Pope Francis addressed the city’s councilors and other invited dignitaries. Svetlana Celli, President of the Capitoline Assembly, and Mayor Gualtieri delivered welcoming speeches before the Pope spoke to the municipal administrators, emphasizing collaboration and the importance of civic duties.

Un momento dello scambio dei doni in Campidoglio

An exchange of gifts followed the speeches. Mayor Gualtieri presented Pope Francis with a silver medallion commemorating the visit and a document detailing various social initiatives. In return, the Pope gifted the city a mosaic depicting the Arch of Titus, a triptych of medals for the mayor, and individual medals along with a papal bull proclaiming the Jubilee for the councilors he met personally.

The visit concluded with Pope Francis and Mayor Gualtieri stepping out onto the Loggia of the Palazzo Senatorio to greet assembled city employees in Piazza del Campidoglio. After a brief stop at a commemorative plaque marking the visit, they continued to the Sala “Laudato si’” and then to the Sala della Protomoteca, where Capitol Hill employees had gathered.

Amidst trumpet fanfares, Pope Francis bade farewell to Mayor Gualtieri in the Portico del Vignola before making his way back to the Vatican, leaving behind a message of unity and shared purpose between the Vatican and the city of Rome.

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