Papal Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. Photo: ABC

Vatican decrees excommunication against former papal nuncio to the U.S. for canonical crime of schism

On July 4, 2024, the Dicastery convened to finalize the “Extrajudicial Penal Process ex can. 1720 CIC” against Archbishop Viganò, who faced charges of schism—a grave canonical offense under canons 751 and 1364 of the Code of Canon Law.

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 07.05.2024).- In a significant announcement on Friday, July 5, the Holy See Press Office revealed the resolution from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith concerning the canonical trial of former Papal Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.

On July 4, 2024, the Dicastery convened to finalize the “Extrajudicial Penal Process ex can. 1720 CIC” against Archbishop Viganò, who faced charges of schism—a grave canonical offense under canons 751 and 1364 of the Code of Canon Law.

The Dicastery highlighted Archbishop Viganò’s well-documented public statements, which have demonstrated his refusal to acknowledge and submit to the authority of the Supreme Pontiff, as well as his rejection of communion with Church members loyal to the Pope and the legitimacy of the magisterial authority of the Second Vatican Council. Consequently, the process concluded with Archbishop Viganò being found guilty of schism.

In accordance with canon 1364 §1 of the Code of Canon Law, the Dicastery declared a latae sententiae excommunication against Archbishop Viganò. This type of excommunication is automatically incurred by the act of committing the offense and its remission is reserved exclusively to the Apostolic See.

The Dicastery conveyed this decision to Archbishop Viganò on July 5, 2024.

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