Secretary of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin Photo: ANSA

Cardinal Parolin Presented Candidates for President of Lebanon During His Visit to the Country

According to reports, among the names proposed by the Vatican are two former Lebanese Ambassadors to the Holy See

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 18.07.2024).- In an effort to alleviate the prolonged political crisis in Lebanon, the Secretary of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, proposed five possible candidates for the country’s Presidency. During his recent visit to Beirut, at the end of June 2024, the Cardinal discussed discreetly, in he Apostolic Nunciature,  a list of Christian leaders, as revealed by the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Anbaa.

In Lebanon, the office of President must be held by a Maronite Christian, in accordance with the current constitutional agreement. The Maronites, who belong to the Catholic Church, recognize the Pope’s authority. Since the resignation of Michel Aoun, in October 2022, the country has been without a President, exacerbating its political and economic instability.

According to reports, among the names proposed by the Vatican are two former Lebanese Ambassadors to the Holy See: Farid Elias al-Khazen, who is also a former Member of Parliament, and former General George Khoury. Another name mentioned was that of Jean-Louis Cardahi, former Minister of Communications, but the names of the other two candidates remain a secret.

According to Al-Anbaa, the three candidates mentioned could be consensus figures, accepted by all the country’s political factions. The proposal of these names is an endeavour to find a viable solution to unblock the existing political paralysis and avoid the deterioration of the consensus system, which characterizes Lebanese politics.

During his five-day visit to Lebanon at the end of June, Cardinal Parolin met with key political actors and expressed his concern about the country’s situation. “The country, the Middle East and the world do not need war,” said the Cardinal to journalists in Beirut. He also criticized energetically the current political and economic situation, warning that maintaining the presidential vacancy is a serious risk that could lead to the “political assassination of the system of consensus.”

The Vatican’s intervention underscores the importance of a speedy and effective resolution of the Lebanese crisis. With these five candidates, the Holy See hopes to offer a way to stability and the political rebirth of the country. The international community is watching carefully, conscious that the election of a new President could be a crucial step towards Lebanon’s recovery.

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