Daleiden, leader of the Medical Progress Center

Daleiden, leader of the Medical Progress Center Photo: Rewire News Group

Planned Parenthood, Kamala Harris, and the Story of Victim David Daleiden

The connection between Harris and Planned Parenthood isn’t limited to this raid. E-mails show that in March of 2016, Harris held a meeting with several leaders of Planned Parenthood and, although the exact content of the meeting isn’t known, Daleiden and his lawyer, Steve Cooley, believe that they tried to coordinate actions to silence him and confiscate his videos.

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(ZENIT News / Los Angeles, 17.08.2024).- In March of 2016, top officials of Planned Parenthood in California exchanged e-mails anticipating enthusiastically a crucial meeting with the then Attorney General of the State, Kamala Harris. Such was the importance of the meeting that, according to e-mails reviewed by The Daily Signal, the organization’s Directors met with Harris’ team to prepare in advance.

Shortly after, on April 5, 2016, the Authorities of California’s Department of Justice broke into David Daleiden’s home, a young pro-life journalist some 20 years old. Daleiden, leader of the Medical Progress Center, had published a series of videos that, according to him, showed officials of Planned Parenthood describing the chilling way they extracted parts of aborted babies’ bodies. Daleiden affirmed that these videos demonstrated that Planned Parenthood was selling these remains for profit.

To obtain this material, Daleiden carried out an intricate covert operation, pretending that he was a buyer of foetal tissue and infiltrating himself in secret conferences on abortion. Using hidden cameras, he was able to capture conversations that no other journalist had succeeded in obtaining, material that was spread widely, shaking public opinion.

However, Planned Parenthood strongly denied these accusations, stating that the videos had been edited deceitfully and that they were only reimbursed for the costs. Despite this, they announced in  2015 amid public pressure, that they would no longer accept reimbursements. Parallelly, they sued Daleiden, starting a legal battle that has lasted almost a decade, directed by Office of the Attorney General of California, first under Harris and then under Xavier Becerra, both at present part of President Joe Biden’s Administration.

Planned Parenthood and the Biden-Harris Administration have declined to comment on the case, while Biden’s Department of Justice has prosecuted several pro-life individuals, under the Law of Freedom of Access to Clinics’ entrances (FACE), many of whom now face prison sentences.

For Daleiden, it’s no coincidence that this intensification in the use of governmental power in favour of the abortion industry and against pro-life peaceful protesters has begun with the arrival of Kamala Harris in the White House. According to Daleiden, Harris’ tendency to use her power to protect her sponsors in the abortion industry and persecute those that try to expose her irregularities began in California with his case and continues up to today.

On April 5, 2016, Daleiden was surprised by a raid on his home, carried out by 11 armed agents of California’s Department of Justice, accompanied by canine units. During the search, the agents focused on confiscating his covert recording equipment and digital means, ignoring deliberately the evidence he had compiled about biotechnological companies that, according to him, bought parts of aborted foetuses of Planned Parenthood.

The video of the raid, captured by Daleiden, shows agents searching his apartment while he was calling his lawyer, illustrating what he considers Harris’ clear abuse of power.

The connection between Harris and Planned Parenthood isn’t limited to this raid. E-mails show that in March of 2016, Harris held a meeting with several leaders of Planned Parenthood and, although the exact content of the meeting isn’t known, Daleiden and his lawyer, Steve Cooley, believe that they tried to coordinate actions to silence him and confiscate his videos.

Daleiden also holds that Planned Parenthood’s influence on Harris, evidenced by the donations to her campaign and her subsequent support of Becerra, pose serious concerns on the impartiality of any legal action against her.

As the case develops, Daleiden has continued to defend his work as a form of pro-life journalism, dedicated to exposing what he considers a grotesque violation of human rights in the sale of foetal tissue. Over time, his story has become an emblematic example of the conflict between freedom of expression and institutional power in the modern era.

For Daleiden, a Kamala Harris’ presidency would be a significant threat for civil rights in the United States, given that her history of using her office’s power to suppress freedom of expression and protect powerful interests, such as the abortion industry.


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