Sister Giustina, a member of the Servants of Mary Immaculate Photo: AICA

No Sin is Beyond God’s Unfathomable Mercy, says Bishop Thomas on the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

“This January 22 and beyond, we need to be reassured that Jesus Himself, who is the source of our hope, was first wounded for our offenses, and suffered for every sin of ours, including abortion. Please join me in praying that God will fill the hearts of mothers and fathers suffering the emotional and psychological wounds from abortion with the hope of forgiveness that only He can give”, says a bishop on behalf of the entire church in the U.S.

Biden officially awards George Soros: champion of abortion, sexual orientation and gender identity and censorship

Some of OpenDemocracy’s projects included publishing stolen emails from a European pro-life mailing list, launching smear campaigns against pro-life activists and organizations, and pressuring banks to stop allowing conservative charities (and even the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops) to receive donations through their matching grant programs.