Angelus sunday january 5 2024 Photo: Vatican Media

What does it mean that Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness and that the darkness did not overcome him? Pope Francis answers

Allocution on the occasion of the recitation of the Angelus on Sunday, January 5, 2025

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 01.05.2024).- Around 30,000 people gathered in St. Peter’s Square at noon on Sunday, January 5, to listen to Pope Francis’ Sunday address and pray the Angelus with him. Below is the English translation of the Pope’s words:


Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

And well done, you are brave, with the rain! Happy Sunday!

Today the Gospel (cf. Jn 1:1-18), talking to us about Jesus, Word incarnate, tells us that “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (Jn 1:5). It reminds us, then, how powerful is God’s love, which is not overcome by anything and which, despite obstacles and rejections, continues to shine and illuminate our path.

We see it at Christmas, when the Son of God, made man, overcomes so many walls and so many divisions. He confronts the closed minds and hearts of the “great” of His time, who are concerned more with defending power than seeking the Lord (cf. Mt 2:3-18). Then, he shares the humble life of Mary and Joseph, who welcome Him and raise Him with love, but with the limited possibilities and the hardships of those without means: they were poor. He offers Himself, fragile and defenceless, to the encounter with the shepherds (cf. Lk 2:8-18), men whose hearts are marked by the harshness of life and the disdain of society; and then with the Magi (cf. Mt 2:1) who, driven by the desire to know Him, face a long journey and find Him in a home of ordinary people, in great poverty.

Faced with these and many other challenges, which seem contradictions, God never stops – let us listen to this clearly, God never stops. He finds a thousand ways to reach everyone, each and every one of us, wherever we are, without calculation and without conditions, opening even in the darkest nights of humanity windows of light that the darkness cannot obscure (cf. Is 9:1-6). It is a reality that consoles us and encourages us, especially in a time such as ours, a time that is not easy, where there is a great need for light, for hope, and a need for peace, a world where men at times create situations so complicated that it seems impossible to get out of them. It seems impossible to get out of them, from many situations. But today the Word of God tells us that it is not so! Rather, it calls us to imitate the God of love, opening up glimmers of light wherever we can, with whomever we meet, in any context: family, social, international. It invites us not to fear taking the first step – this is the Lord’s invitation today – not to fear taking the first step. It takes courage to do it, but let us not be afraid to throw open bright windows of closeness to those who are suffering, of forgiveness, of compassion and reconciliation: these are the many first steps we must take to make the journey clearer, safer and possible for all. And this invitation resounds in a particular way in the Jubilee Year that has just begun, urging us to be messengers of hope with a simple but concrete “yes” to life, with choices that bring life. Let us do this, all of us, this: this is the way of salvation!

And so, at the beginning of a new year, we can ask ourselves: how can I open a window of light in my environment and in my relationships? Where can I be a glimmer of light that lets God’s love pass through? What is the first step I should take today?

May Mary, star that leads to Jesus, help us to be shining witnesses of the Father’s love for everyone.

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