(ZENIT News / Aparecida, 31.01.2025).- On Friday, January 31, the members of the Sodalitium of Christian Life participating in the 6th General Assembly, which was held from January 6-31 in Aparecida , Brazil, issued a press release in which they shared that, during the Assembly, “we received the communication that the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, with the specific approval of Pope Francis, decided to suppress the Sodalitium of Christian Life.” They ratify that they accept “this decision with docility, maintaining our trust in God’s Providence. We reaffirm our full obedience to the Holy Father and we continue to accompany him with our prayers.”
In the press release, they also express “their sorrow and profound repentance, our request for forgiveness to the victims and all the persons affected by various abuses that occurred in our history, for the wounds caused and for all the scandal this has occasioned.” Finally, they are grateful for “the accompaniment and all the guidelines that the Church has given us in the course of time, especially through the Pontifical Delegates present in this Assembly, Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda, S.J. and Friar Guillermo Rodríguez Rico, O.F.M., likewise to all our spiritual family, which has accompanied us with its testimony and prayers.