New Book Has Pope's Reflections on the Mountains

Italian Work Includes Photos

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LES COMBES, Italy, JULY 13, 2004 ( The Alpine municipality where John Paul II is spending his summer holidays presented a book with his reflections on the mountains and a series of photographs.

The book, «Giovanni Paolo II tra i Monti» (John Paul II Amid the Mountains), was presented today in Introd’s Maison Bruil by Bishop Giuseppe Anfossi of Aosta, and by the town’s mayor, Osvaldo Naudin.

Published by LeChateau, the work is a collection of the Pope’s texts on the mountains, in Italian, selected by Nadia Millery Ognibene and Raffaella Poletti.

Among the passages are addresses the Holy Father has given in previous years during his vacation in Les Combes de Introd, as well as in Lorenzago di Cadore, the other Alpine town where he has stayed in the past.

«It is a sort of guide to this spirituality of the mountains that the Pope has developed over these years, featuring above all his moments of rest,» Vatican Radio explained.

Today the Holy Father enjoyed yet another day out in the mountains. Before leaving, he greeted people of the area and tourists who came close to the chalet where he is staying.

The Maison Bruil of Introd is running an exhibition of Reuters photographs, with 80 images that capture moments of the Pope in the mountains during his 25-year pontificate.

The exhibition was established a few years ago to help peoples affected by an earthquake in the Italian region of Umbria. The exhibition has been shown in several cities around the world, including Krakow and Assisi. In the latter, it was visited by some 400,000 people, according to data of the Franciscans, quoted by the Italian ANSA agency.

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