© Vatican Media

Joy from Jesus

Articles from December 20, 2018

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‘Jesus Gives You the True Joy No One Can Take Away from You,’ Pope Tells Youth

Tells Boys and Girls to Rediscover Call to be Jesus’ Friends, to Know Him Increasingly Well and to Encounter Him Every Day in Prayer…

Pope Welcomes Italian Catholic Action Youth

‘At Christmas, once again, Jesus wishes to be born among us, in your heart, to give you the true joy that no-one can take away from you’

Seventh Meeting of the Vietnam – Holy See Joint Working Group

‘The two sides reiterated the Pope’s message to the Catholic community in Vietnam of ‘Living the Gospel in the heart of the Nation’ and ‘A good Catholic is also a good citizen’ as important principles’

Pope’s Morning Homily: The Annunciation Is the Moment that Changes Everything

During Mass, Francis Reminds God Enters History & Does So in His Original Style: a Surprise

Archbishop Auza: Holy See Welcomes Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Honest Effort to Build on Firm Foundation of International Principles and Obligations

Pakistan: ‘The Christians are a Community of the Very Poor, Living in Conditions of Semi-Slavery’

President of Pakistani Bishops’ Conference Insists Interfaith Dialogue iVital for Peace

In Iraq, a Christian Politician Surveys a Troubled Landscape  

‘We must stop emigration and arrange for the return of Christians in the diaspora. That is an essential condition…’

Kenya: Uzima Catholic University College Offers Medical Training

Center is First of its Kind in Africa

Nigeria: Bishop Says Attacks by Fulani Militants a Forgotten Tragedy

Worse Threat to Christians than Aggression by Islamist Terrorist group Boko Haram

Archbishop Follo: From Advent to Adventure

God became man for our love. If we were aware of this love, we would cry for joy.

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