Here is the Vatican-provided English-language summary of the Pope’s address at the General Audience this morning:
Speaker: Dear brothers and sisters: In our continuing catechesis on the Lord’s Prayer, we now consider Jesus’ teaching on the need for perseverance in prayer. We see from the Gospels that Christ’s entire life is steeped in prayer, born of his communion with the Father and the Holy Spirit who guides his every action. Jesus’ constant prayer is seen above all in the events of his passion. At the Last Supper, he intercedes for Peter’s perseverance in faith (cf. Lk 22:32), and his last words from the cross are a prayer for forgiveness and a confession of trust in the Father’s will. When the disciples ask Jesus to show them how to pray, he gives them the words of the “Our Father”. But he goes on to tell two parables that teach the need for constancy in prayer and unwavering trust that the Father will answer our petitions. As a good Father, God answers every prayer in his good time and according to his saving plan. Though the unfolding of that plan remains mysterious, we can be confident that, in the end, ours is a loving Father who longs to fulfill the desire for happiness present in every human heart.
Speaker: I welcome the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, especially the groups coming from the United States of America. Upon all of you, and your families, I invoke the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you!
© Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Pope with a Family at a General Audience © Vatican Media
'As a Good Father, God Answers Every Prayer in His Good Time & According to His Saving Plan'
Jesus reminds, Pope stresses at General Audience, ‘the need for constancy in prayer and unwavering trust that the Father will answer our petitions’