Prayer always transforms reality, even if things around us do not change, we do…
Pope Francis stressed this to Arabic-speaking pilgrims present in the General Audience of Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019, held in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, his second audience of the New Year.
“I greet warmly the Arabic-speaking pilgrims, in particular those from the Middle East.»
«Dear brothers and sisters, our prayer could also be one silent prayer, it suffices to just be under the gaze of God, to remember His love of
Father, and this is enough to be fulfilled.»
«Dear brothers and sisters, knock and it will be opened to you! Never give up!
«Prayer always transforms reality: if things do not change around us, at least we change.»
«May the Lord bless you,” he said.

© Vatican Media
Prayer Always Transforms Reality.. Even If Things Around Us Don't Change, We Do
Holy Father Urges Faithful to Never Give Up