VATICAN CITY, APR. 2, 2001 (ZENIT.org).- According to confidential sources,

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one of the issues the Holy Father will discuss with the Argentine President,
who arrived in Rome today, is the difficult economic and social situation
Argentines are currently facing.

President Fernando de la Rua, began an official visit to the Vatican, which
will include an audience with the Pope and meetings with Argentine
representatives who work in the Roman Curia and other Vatican organizations.

At 9 a.m., on Wednesday, April 4, the Argentine President and his entourage
will take part in the opening of an academic meeting at the Pontifical
Gregorian University, on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of the
University´s foundation. The opening address will be delivered by the
University´s Rector, Fr. Franco Imoda.

Cardinal Zenon Grocholeski, prefect of the Congregation for Catholic
Education will speak on «The Mission of the Pontifical Gregorian University
and Justice,» and Dr. de la Rua will address the topic «University, Justice,
and Common Good.»

On Thursday, April 5, Dr. de la Rua will go to the Vatican at 11 a.m. to meet
the Holy Father in his private Library. He will be received immediately after
by the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Angelo Sodano.

On Thursday afternoon, the Argentine President will visit the headquarters of
the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social
Sciences, whose Chancellor is Argentine Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo. He
will then visit the Vatican Library and Archives and meet with its titular,
Argentine Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejia.

Finally, at 8 p.m. on Thursday the President will host a dinner at the
Argentine Embassy in honor of Cardinal Sodano. A few hours later, the
Argentine guests will return to their country.

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