"We Are No Longer Alone," Says L'Osservatore Romano

VATICAN CITY, APRIL 20, 2005 (Zenit.org).- After the announcement of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, the Holy See’s semiofficial newspaper said on Page 1 of its special edition: «We are no longer alone.»

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L’Osservatore Romano published a photograph of the smiling new Holy Father, with his arms open, with a headline that simply says, «Habemus Papam.»

«We have gone through the sadness of Good Friday; we have wept; we have felt like the orphans of a father who gave himself totally for Christ and his Church,» explained the front-page article by the newspaper’s editor, Mario Agnes.

«We have prayed,» Agnes wrote. «We have waited. We have implored the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And the Lord, from the depth of his Heart has given us the Successor of Peter. We are no longer alone. Peter is with us.»

«The navigation retakes its course; the journey retakes the rhythm of the wayfarer. Thank you, Holy Father, for having said ‘yes.’ A ‘yes’ that we also say to you, without reservations and with love.»

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